Great Southern Bioblitz 2020 Highlights
The Great Southen Bioblitz (GSB) took place on the last weekend of September 2020 and what a fantastic event. The idea for the event grew out of Australia, and grow it did. We did not expect the GSB would capture the imagination of the Southern Hemisphere! In the few months that we worked on the project we were joined by over 180 areas from 12 countries on the three continents. Together the GSB team recorded over 90 thousand observation from more than three thousand participants across the global south. The efforts of the team resulted in an impressive 12, 450 species recorded over the four days, including several rare or threatened species. The GSB included a variety of communities, with a range of citizen science communities, including the South African city of Cape Town whose enthusiasm lead them to contribute the 16,118 observation the highest of any area. Cape Town also demonstrated the diversity of their region with 2,375 species recorded over the GSB. For a full list of the results from the GSB please click here.
Observations 91.359
Species 12.450
Participants 3.131
The GSB exhibited amazing diversity of both participating areas and the species observed within the GSB areas. With the pandemic creating a complex range of environments in which the GSB has taken place. However, the great efforts encouraging many new participants of a variety of ages resulted in some fantastic engagement in many of the participating regions.




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Red-headed Barbet
Eubucco bourcierii


Registered Areas for the Great Southern Bioblitz
South America
Cañada de Gómez y alrededores, Argentina
Casilda y alrededores, Argentina
Esperanza y alrededores, Argentina
Helvecia y alrededores, Argentina
Las Rosas y alrededores, Argentina
Melincué y alrededores, Argentina
Rafaela y alrededores, Argentina
Rosario y alrededores, Argentina