This year there has been some interest in getting schools involved in the GSB, this follows on from the amazind efforts of Edwin Arrigui Torres in Hulia, Colombia in 2022. The team from Tasmania hada an idea to engage schools in the GSB this year and made a graphic below. I shared this and it generated interest from my friend @Antonio W. Salas in Peru as well as some people in Africa and the mainland of Australia. So i thought it would be an idea to start a forum to keep arecord of some of these ideas.
iNaturalist has a lot of material on engaging schools and school children see here the ‘Teacher's Guide’ what are your thoughts?
Hi from Peru!
I have good news today! Yesterday we had a meeting to confirm the organization of the peruvian initiative BIOBÚSQUEDA ESCOLAR (SCHOOL BIOBLITZ) inspired by Tasmanian idea.
After the initial meeting with Teachers to define dates and coverage, we will continue this week with a virtual presentation for parents and students about how to participate.
Yesterday agreements include to extend days of participation from 24 to 27, to let parents go with childrens in the weekend; organize one project by school and one umbrella for all these projetcs; and this participation will be focused on urban parks and gardens.
I will share later a project draft in english and spanish.
Any idea to improve will be welcome!